Study business managment in turkey

The duration of the Business Administration/ Management Education is 4 years (8 semesters) for regular graduation.

Business Administration/Management concerns itself with many other social sciences at the same time: Sociology, Economics, Logistics, Public Administration, Comunication and most importantly , Law.  All oft he curriculum is build on the basis of social sciences, but also on practical clerkships and experiences. Lots of schools requiere their students to make long clerkships and projects.

Many schools have giant international companies as their teaching lab in the last semesters, which is a plus for the international student.

The numbers of students applying for Business Administration or Management prooves every year, that  it  is a very popular branch of social sciences by the choices of the students.

Turkish Financial Market is a very active one, because of Turkey’s geographical location. Capital and investments, giant international bids are held here, which makes Turkey a special international laboratory for the students to learn in.

There are few questions to ask yourself to make sure that you are truly qualified for this job.

  • Are you intersted in a career in a company?
  • Do you mind keeping up with global economical, political and social correlations of changing on every-day basis?
  • Have you ever had interest in scientific branches that deeply influence managing a business?

Study Business Administration/ Management in English in Turkey

Almost all of the State and Foundation Universities offer Business Administration in their educational catalogue. Business Administration is one of the most desired and one of the most chosen studies by national and international students.

Many of the State Universities in Turkey offer this program monolingually in Turkey, but there are few State Universities, that offer Business Administration or Management in English. However, the aspiring student needs to prove his YÖS exam results to get accepted in those universties. YÖS exam is held once a year and is highly competitive under the international students.

The international students prefer to study in English, because learning Turkish can take time and scientific Turkish is something they need to get used to. Besides all that, it is usefull to speak English in terms having a easy connection during the clerkships that the student needs to participate in partner/ sponsor international companies in later semesters.

In contrary, the Foundation Universities are predominantly teaching in English, which is a reason why they are preferred by the international students. Foundation Universities do have a lot more variety of corporate partners, where the student can learn during his/her clerkships.

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